The Long View

“Astronomie”, Georg Leopold Hertel and François Boucher, 1750 – 1778 – Rijksmuseum, Netherlands

What exactly these angelic cherubs are up to in this etching will remain a mystery to Slack Investor, but he would say that looking at things from a distance is a worthwhile trait in the stock market world. Slack Investor is currently in Europe on holiday and the geographical distance and time zone shift have helped him take more of a holiday from the markets … and just let them get on with it – without interference!

Take the long view

There are some scary headlines and plenty of volatility on the stock markets with worries about inflation and international bank collapses. Slack Investor will just pass on some sage advice. Here is the secret to being a good investor …

Don’t get caught up in what happens in three months, six months, or 12 months. It’s about the next five to seven years.

Paul Taylor, head of investments for Fidelity Australia and Portfolio Manager for the Fidelity Australian Equities Fund

Paul Taylor is no mug … his Australian Equities Fund is of the managed fund variety and, despite a slug of 0.85% p.a. in management fees, his fund has kept pace or slightly bettered the performance of the ASX 200 Accumulation index over the 5 and 10-yr periods. Even though the managers of the fund appear to know what they are doing, the difficulty of beating index funds over every time period is shown by the negative relative performance over 1 and 7-yrs.

Fidelity Australian Equities Fund performance compared to the ASX 200 Accumulation index – up to the end of February 2023.

Now, Slack Investor completely agrees with Mr Taylor, when investing in equities (shares), you should be locking them up for at least 5 years so that any volatility will be swamped by the beautiful long-term march of increasing value for Australian and International Shares. See the latest Vanguard Long Term Chart to see what I mean.

Slack Investor is still “pretend hurting” from his own last year’s (FY22) annual Slack performance (-14.3%). However, he realises his 5-yr and 10-yr performance is the critical measure for his Slack Fund. As these returns p.a. (13.5% (5-yr) and 15.2% (10-yr), are comfortably above benchmarks, I have reconciled the poor one year figures as just part of the volatility of owning mostly growth shares.

Contribute regularly to your savings

Whether adding to your super, or investment savings, the best way to do this is to add regularly, without even thinking about it. Set up an automatic personal deduction from your salary to your super – or automatically contribute to your savings through a vehicle that is in sync with your risk tolerances (e.g. StockspotPearler).

As my super was accumulating, it was mostly in broad-based index funds (Australian and International). My other investments were mostly in individual companies.

While it’s possible to beat index funds, it’s not easy to do over the long run … and as it isn’t worthwhile for most of us to try.

Paul Samuelson, American Nobel prize winner in economics – from

Slack Investor has some exposure to index-type ETF’s but continues to dabble in individual companies. Despite the above warning, Slack Investor will continue to “have a crack” at stock selection and portfolio management – but only while his long-term performance still stands up.

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