Cash is not King

From memegenerator

My nephew is a carpenter and he would often gleefully say “Cash is King” when offered a cash job – no paperwork and no tax. This was fine for him as he was on a travel holiday and didn’t want the hassle of being on the books and claiming his tax back at the end of his holiday.

But, to the investor, Cash is not King.

If you hold too much of your wealth in cash, you won’t be able to keep pace with inflation, meaning your purchasing power will go down and it will be more difficult for you to achieve your goals.

Black Swan Capital

Slack Investor cannot argue that money in the bank is not safe, The government guarantees balances up to $250,000.

Cash is important for day to day expenses and your emergency cash buffer, “the cushion” to keep you going for about 2-3 months in an emergency. However, to get on the path to financial independence you must invest in appreciating assets.

Term Deposits, Bonds and Fixed Interest

For a relative, Slack Investor was trying to find a place where cash would earn a decent rate – without too much risk. There is not much around. Most transaction accounts pay no interest or 0.1% interest per year. If you are prepared to lock your money away for a year in a term deposit in a major bank, you might get 0.85%. One of the newer banks, Judo Bank, is offering 1.01%.

There are a few offerings in the bonds and fixed interest area. I ended up in the Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index Fund with a management fee of 0.24% and 1 and 3 year returns of 3.2% and 4.7%, respectively. The fund lends money to mostly government authorities – but, unlike term deposits, the returns are not guaranteed. A similar product is offered as an Exchange Traded Fund Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF (VAF).

Growth Assets – Shares and Property

Higher up the risk curve are funds based upon share (equity) investments. In these funds or ETF’s the rewards can be higher – but the risks are also much greater. Only invest in shares or share funds with money that you can lock away for 3 to 5 years.

To grow wealth we must have exposure to growth assets such as shares and property.

Shane Oliver, AMP
Asset classes shown on a logarithmic scale for the past 120 years – From “5 charts to help you through COVID-19 investment fear” – Shane Oliver

Australian shares have returned on average 11.5% per year from 1900 to 2020. The incredible value of sustained compounding over long periods is shown by the dollar amounts achieved over 120 years – A $ 1 investment yielded $481, 910 for Australian Shares, $1017 for Bonds and a paltry $242 for cash. But these high returns on investment in Australian shares did not come without risk. Since 1900, Australian shares have had negative returns for two years out of ten.

A similar chart with data to 2016 shows that Australian residential property has a similar trajectory to Australian Shares (11.1% p.a.). There are many hidden costs to owning property – but that is another story. Lower on the risk curve, are Bonds and Cash.

Slack Investor acknowledges that people have different appetites to risk, but if you are in the fortunate position to be sitting on some cash in excess of your emergency fund … the current rates for term deposits encourage a first journey up the risk curve and consider fixed interest funds or ETF’s. For money that you wont need for the next 3-5 years, then shares have the best long term returns. If your time frame is longer, then a well positioned property has been a good investment.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

H. Jackson Brown Jr. from Goodreads

My House … and June 2020 End of Month Update

… Welcome to my house, Baby take control now, We can’t even slow down, We don’t like to go out, Welcome to my house …

Flo Rida “My House”

Slack Investor’s taste may not be quite as “gangsta” as Flo Rida – check out his full video to get a flavour of what I mean – But, both Flo Rida and I share a genuine passion for the joys of household ownership.

In my last post, I had a bit of a rant about the exorbitant transaction costs of buying a house. Despite the costs, I hope that I didn’t mislead about the absolute joy that Slack Investor feels about house ownership. A Slack Investor pillar for financial independence is to own your own place before you retire – as the cost of housing keeps rising for retired renters. The typical homeowner aged over 65 spends just 5% of their income on housing, this compares to nearly 30% for renters.

Flo Rida and I are enamoured with owning our surroundings:

  • The Serenity – Ownership gives stability and control – You can do what you like in your own house and are immune from sudden evictions.
  • Access to aged pension and taxation benefits – the home is treated differently than other assets. However, Slack Investor thinks that these concessions are too generous and will probably be capped in the future – Currently in Australia, $6 billion in pension payments go to people with homes worth more than $1 million.
  • Flexibility – No need to ask the landlord to make changes – If you go on an extended adventure, then why not rent your house out for the dates that you are away – to help pay for the holiday – Or, House swap to an exotic location!

Slack Investor understands that owning a home may seem an impossible dream to some – and, sadly, ownership rates are decreasing . But do not give up hope – Many real estate pundits are expecting prices to fall from their current eye-watering levels. This fall should be accelerated by COVID-19 factors.

Home Ownership rates are on the decline for all age groups. – Grattan Institute

A home does not have to be large and, it could be out of a capital city. There seems to be a trend already for millennials (and older folk 60-69) to be moving from cities to the regions according to the Regional Australia Institute. They suggest that equitable access to housing is one of the pull factors for this move to the regions. Slack Investor has spent most of his working career outside of big cities and can highly recommend the simplicity of life away from the capitals.

More than 400,000 Australians moved from capital cities to regional destinations between 2011 and 2016

Regional Australia Institute report – February 2019

June 2020 – End of Month Update

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Slack Investor admits to being only an amateur economist and finds the current situation in the US confusing – Stock market up, economy down! These are wild times … but I am back to all IN for my Index funds!

US Data keepers, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) have now determined that the US economy entered a recession in February 2020 “with different characteristics and dynamics than prior recessions”. The Federal Reserve bank of Cleveland strangely have their forecast of a recession in the next year at 19.2% (below Slack Investors threshold of 20%). However, reality always beats forecasts and Slack Investor has his stop losses live again for all Index funds.

Monthly rises in all followed markets ASX200 +2.5%, FTSE100 +1.5% and S&P500 +1.8%.

COVID-19 problems go up … stock markets go up? I know stock markets are usually forward thinking and obviously see an end to COVID problems soon. Slack Investor is not so sure … but the charts have him invested in all markets. My portfolio is trimmed to industries that should be OK( I Hope?)

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index. The quarterly updates to the Slack Portfolio have also been recalculated.

Call My Broker

It is my sincere hope that, when you call your broker, Jordan Belfort (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) from the highly entertaining Wolf of Wall Street, is not at the end of the line – Image may be subject to copyright.

Most people own shares indirectly through their superannuation or, perhaps through investment platforms such as Raiz – this is a good place to start. Slack Investor would like to make the case for moving onto the next investment step and getting a broker for yourself. These days, a broker is usually an online platform that organizes buy and sell orders for shares and other financial bits.

It brings me shame … but Slack Investor doesn’t just have just one broker … I have three! This might seem a tad excessive – most people only need one and I thought I might share my experience with all of them to help you choose the right one for yourself. If you are serious about investing, you need a broker- Even Dilbert has a broker!

With acknowledgment to Scott Adams – whose everyman Dilbert brings joy to the tedium of the office.

Getting a broker involves as much effort as getting a bank account – an associated trading account is usually required to store your cash when setting up. Most of this can be done online but there are a few identity checks to go through. I have set out below my experiences with my brokers – this is not a complete comparison and a good overview of recent offerings can be found at Best Online Brokers Australia for 2020. This field is rapidly changing with a move towards “zero brokerage” by some new players e.g. etoro. It is always a good idea to research the total costs for each of the new offers as there are often hidden fees such as “withdrawal fee”, “holding fee”, “inactivity fee “, etc. My experiences below might give you an idea on what to look for in your broker.


commsec logo

Commsec was my first broker and it is the “gorilla” – It is Australia’s largest retail share trading platform and backed by the Commonwealth Bank. I use Commsec for my super fund trades.

Good things: A great trading platform with easy access to recent sales, buy/sell spread and research. One of the best thing about Commsec is that you can make a trade with zero money in your trading account and have 2 days before trade settlement to transfer your funds to your trading account. I have often sold a share and on the same day bought another share with the funds required covered by the previous sale – this gives great flexibility. Other than brokerage, there are no other fees for ASX shares.

Things that annoy me: The brokerage, this is on a sliding scale and range from $10 for a $1000 trade (1.0%) through to $19.95 for a $10000 trade (0.20%). Because most of Slack Investor’s trades are over $10000, I was pleasantly surprised to find that for the last financial year, my total Commsec costs were only 0.13% of trade value.


Thumbnail icon for SelfWealth

SelfWealth is a much smaller trading house and has won Money Magazine’s “Cheapest Online Broker” award for the last three years. I use this for my own name accounts and was drawn in by their headline fixed price trades of $9.50 – no other fees.

Good things: A very cheap trading rate – my costs for 6 trades in the last 12 months amounted to 0.08% of trade value.

Things that annoy me: The SelfWealth trading platform is not as good as Commsec’s and transfers to and from the trading account are terribly slow. This is annoying as they don’t allow trades till there is money in the trading account. So, before I act on a trade I must first move money into the SelfWealth trading account – this may be days after I first see a trading opportunity!

Saxo Markets

Saxo Markets is a broker that I have only recently signed up with as my SMSF manager (esuperfund) required me to go through Saxo if I wanted to own overseas shares. Total costs will depend on how much you trade … but after the smooth Australian experience, the cheap trading fee is complicated by Currency Exchange fees, Inactivity fees and Holding fees. For the past year, my costs add up to 0.42% of trades.

Good things: The ability to buy other international stocks. Many other brokers also offer this.

Things that annoy me: The fees of course … and the confusing trading platform. I wouldn’t use these jokers if I had a choice. Particularly when there are cheaper ways to access the US market.- Stake has a similar currency conversion fee to Saxo without the multitude of other costs.

Stock broking expenses compared to Real Estate

Slack Investor stock broker transaction fees range between 0.08% and 0.42% of trade value – and I’m leaning towards Commsec as my favourite broker on a costs vs features basis. If I was just starting out, maybe SelfWealth, or one of the zero brokerage platforms – but watch out for other fees!

I might have had a little whinge about broker fees … but let’s just have a reality check with another common investment commodity where there are costs involved – Real Estate.

I have recently bought and sold a house and the transfer costs are relatively staggering.

When selling a house (Agent Fees, Conveyancing Fees, Advertising, Govt fees,etc), my transaction costs were 2.7%. When buying a house in Victoria, excluding loan costs, (Stamp duty, Land Titles, Conveyancing) the costs worked out to 5.8% of the purchase price.

Transaction costs are just part of investing, but it is no wonder that Slack Investor is attracted to the lower fees, simplicity and transparency of share trading over property trading. However, the volatility of shares I find testing at times.